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Bupa Worldwide Health Options Insurance

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Worldwide Health Options: comprehensive insurance plan, perfectly designed for induviduals and families living abroad

Bupa International offers you international health insurance plan with annual limit of 2 500 000 USD per year & per beneficiary.

Bupa Worldwide Health Options plans includes full range of medical and assistance services. Our In-house Healthline service is included as a standard for all members, irrespective of any medical exclusions.
Bupa WHO plans provides you with:
+ A team of in-house doctors ready to help you 24-hours a day via Bupa Help Line medical service.
+ Medical Centre – providing easy access to medical professionals, approval of treatment, health advice and evacuation services.
+ 2nd medical opinion over the phone. An independent review of your diagnosis by a leading expert in the relevant field. this service would normally cost around £5,000.
+ Connections with doctors, clinics, hospitals and business partners around the world, giving you access to local medical knowledge.
+ Embassy referral’s – providing contacts to help with any passport/visa issues while travelling.
+ Emergency message to loved ones – If you've gotten ill or/and being hospitalized, we will immediately contact your loved ones and let them know what is happening.
+ Help with locating a hospital or specialist in case of emergency, or finding a local GP should you need a new prescription.
+ Inoculation requirements – information on which vaccinations are required in different parts of the world.
+ Arranging your evacuation – providing you have taken Assistance/Evacuation Cover, our own in-house emergency Assistance Service (WMA) will get you, and a family member, to the nearest medical facility to treat your condition, advising you every step of the way. By having this in-house means that we do not have to outsource to third parties. This give us greater control over the assistance you receive. We can also provide assistance & information in the case of natural disasters, terrorism or civil unrest.
+ Chronic conditions covered as standard (excluding Vital Africa, Maritime and Oil & gas products. See Membership guides for details).
+ Full cancer cover
+ An excellent reputation in the market when it comes to Cancer care.
+ We will be your guide and provide you with dedicated assistance if you need complicated or lengthy treatment.
+ Ethical and efficient claims process. In Bupa International, we process over 18,000 claims a week, focusing on how we can help our members get better. Plus, we have no upper age limit on either members joining us, or staying with us.
+ Quick Payment Claims are normally paid within 7-10 working days and can be paid in up to 80 local currencies.
+ Hospitals access to any recognised hospital or clinic in the world (incl. or excl. USA). Over 7,500 now taking direct settlement. We have also started a Quality Assurance Programme, designed in conjunction with the world’s leading healthcare accreditation body Joint Commission International (JCI) helping us to assess the quality of the facilities we use.
+ Speaking your language In-house, 24 hour, multi-lingual call centre available 365 days a year.

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